June News 2023

Read about our recent activities, preview our next events and see how our funds are helping preserve St Mary’s for future generations.

FOSM Chairman Colin Dixon writes:

Firstly, a big thank you to Debbie Young and all of the people who attended the HULF Festival of Words at St Mary’s Church on Saturday 22nd April. The event raised £500 for the Friends of St Mary’s.

Churchwarden Lisa Overton gave a fascinating talk on the history influence of William Tyndale on the English language

This money and all other funds raised by the Friends goes to support the fabric of St Mary’s Church and nowhere else. That is our raison d’etre.

If you wish to join the friends of St Mary’s Church, your subscription is invaluable in supporting this beautiful church. Join online here.

FOSM AGM (Sunday 25th June)

The Annual General Meeting of the Friends of St Mary’s, Hawkesbury will be held at 5.30pm on Sunday 25th June at St Mary’s, followed by Choral Evensong. Please come along to have your say on which projects we support.

We also need new committee members. The task is not onerous, one meeting every quarter, and of course supporting our projects. It is especially useful if you are good at getting money out of people and companies!

It takes a lot of money to keep a 1,200-year-old building upright and safe.


We have two more fundraising events on the near horizon.

St Mary’s Summer Weekend (Saturday 22nd-Sunday 23rd July)

A weekend of interest to all!

There will be church tours and talks on the wonderful history of St Mary’s Church. The church and the tower will be open from 1pm until 5.30pm, and there will be bell demonstrations and the chance to have a go at bell ringing. There will be tea and cakes in the church on Saturday and picnics on the lawn and refreshments at Church Farm House on Sunday, with music provided by The Port of Bristol Sea Shanty Crew.

Photo by Jonathan Hayes via POBSSC Facebook page

This will be followed by a celebration service for the John Banks Jenkinson (2nd Lord Liverpool) Banners at 6pm on the Sunday, in the presence of the current Lord Liverpool and Sir John Jenkinson.

The newly restored John Banks Jenkinson banners look splendid

The FOSM Pimm’s Tents at the Hawkesbury Show (Saturday 26TH AUGUST)

The Friends of St Mary’s annual Pimm’s tent will be in its usual place on the other side of the show ring, with a commanding view of what is going on in the ring.

The perfect place to relax with a glass or two of Pimm’s or maybe a jug to share with family and friends.

We are between the tents of our friends from the community-owned Village Stores and HULF.

June Services

Sunday 4th June 9.30am Parish Communion
Sunday 11th June 6pm Evensong
Sunday 18th June 10am Family Service
Sunday 25th June 6pm Friends of St Mary’s Choral Evensong

April 2023 News

Colin Dixon, Chair of the Friends of St Mary’s, writes:

Our Next Event

The first Friends fundraiser for 2023 will be on Saturday 22nd April and is the all-day Festival of Words.

This is thanks to the amazing kindness of Debbie Young who has organised the event to benefit the Friends of St Mary’s. Thank you Debbie. The full itinerary and the buying link for tickets is on the Hawkesbury Upton Literature Festival website here. It will be a full day from 10.30am to 5pm with a break for lunch. There will be an optional lunch of quiche, salad and fruit in the Malthouse for £10 per head, bookable only in advance. I shall be giving a talk on the language of bells at the event and there will be a demonstration of bell ringing.

Other Events for 2023

Other Friends’ events for this year will be:

  • An Open Tower Weekend, which was a great success last year – it will be held in the summer and the date will be announced next month.
  • The FOSM AGM will be held this year on Sunday 25th June followed by Evensong.
  • The renowned Friends of St Mary’s Pimm’s Tent which has become established in its new place on the far side of the show ground, on Show Day, Saturday 26th August.
  • We are anticipating a joint event with the Village Hall in the autumn, follow the success of the Gin Jolly last autumn.
  • The Friends of St Mary’s Nine Lessons and Carols will be held on Sunday 17th December.

We are hoping to run other events during the year and suggestions are welcome.

Our famous Pimm’s Tent at Hawkesbury Show on the last Saturday in August

Current Projects

The south side of the churchyard has been cleared by Tom Hodder’s crew and is looking very smart. We are currently debating whether to plant it with shrubs to break up the expanse or to leave it as grass. Any suggestions or help will be very much appreciated.

We have two tonnes of pea gravel ready to go on the paths as soon as the weather permits. We will need to kill off the weeds first to stop them growing up through the new gravel. All offers of help with the raking will be appreciated.

We will soon be restarting the monthly cycle of weeding and clearing up the churchyard and Peter Setterfield has been marshalling his troops to mow the grass during the summer.

The church will be open every day during the summer and we shall need to make sure that the churchyard is tidy as it is always the backdrop to visitors’ photographs. We don’t want the churchyard showing us up.

The discussions about the new eco-toilet for the churchyard are still ongoing. it is a PCC matter and the Friends have an interest but only because we are the fundraising arm of the church and may make a donation towards it in the future.

Please Join Us!

Finally, if there are like-minded people in the parish who are still not members of the Friends of St Mary’s, please join! Our sole purpose is to support St Mary’s Church to stay open and beautiful. You can join online here.

Chairman’s Address at the FOSM AGM

For any members who were unable to attend our recent AGM, and for any non-members who might be wondering what was said there, here is a transcript of FOSM Chairman Colin Dixon’s address, which summarised our progress this year and plans for the next.

And if you’d like to plan ahead so that you can attend next year’s AGM, you might like to know that the 2023 meeting will take place on Sunday 25th June.

FoSM Chairman’s Report 2021/22

I think it is appropriate that we hold a minute’s silence for Stephanie Appleby who  died on Thursday 6th January 2022, aged 82 years. Stephanie, along with her husband John was a major benefactor of the Friends over the years.

Also, for Tony Mattock who had a cottage on Back Street and has been a long-time supporter of the Friends.

It was with some sadness that we accepted Ian Macfadyen’s resignation as the Chairman of the Friends at the last AGM and I took over as the New Chairman.

I took over following the huge expenditure for the structural repairs to the Church Tower and having been locked down for two years, we had lost two years of potential fundraising.  The FoSM funds were quite depleted.

However, during the lockdown the Friends continued with their normal maintenance work such as mowing the churchyard, clearing the weeds and organising and organising the cutting of the yew hedges. 

Early in 2021 the five large conifers in the churchyard were taken down to clear the ground on the south side of the churchyard.  This has made a great difference to the amount of light getting in through the south windows.  Following the removal of the fir trees the weeds and weed trees were more visible and the Friends’ task force have made great inroads into clearing up the area and making it presentable.  Many thanks for those who took part for all their efforts.

The task force also reinvigorated the memorial garden at the top of the South side of the Churchyard started by John Appleby – well done to Pauline, Debbie and Tiggy for all their hard work which has certainly paid off.

We had a very successful Pimm’s Tent at the Hawkesbury Show equalling other years’ profits and boosting the Friends’ depleted coffers.  We were at our new position at the far side of the showground between the Community Shop and HULF tents.  The general consensus was that this is a good position and we have secured the same place this year.

As is usual a late summer project has been the clipping of the yew hedges around the church which is an expenditure that FoSM has traditionally taken on.  The yews always look wonderful when they have been trimmed and they set off the church perfectly.  It is fortuitous that the profits made on the Pimm’s Tent at the Show exactly matches the expenditure on the Yew Hedge clipping and has done for many years. Buy a Pimm’s and clip a hedge

The bishop dedicated the new ring of eight bells and the new vestry at St. Mary’s Church on 10th September 2021 to a full church.  No. 3 bell called St Mark is dedicated to the Friends of St. Mary’s.

Bells were completed in July 2021 and first rung in earnest following their dedication on the 10th September.  They have since been rung regularly for services and special occasions.  They have just had their first “MoT” in July.

It was a joy to see weddings and baptisms taking place in the Church again – and one of the merriest sights was the bride being carried away by her new husband in his dumper truck on the 18th September to the sound of the new bells – congratulations to Mr and Mrs Max Bleaken.

Bellinda the scarecrow arrived for the Hawkesbury Scarecrow Trail and was outside the church for a week. As you can guess she was a bell ringer.  Thanks to Jenny, Tom and Sam Jackman and Debbie Young for all their efforts in putting her together

The Church insurers required that the Church has an alarm system installed on the roof to deter thieves from stealing the lead.  The Friends gave the PCC a contribution of £1,375 towards the cost of the roof alarm system which has been fitted. This was match funded by the All Churches Trust which has also donated £1,375.

In the autumn of 2021, the Friends also contributed towards new seat cushion kits for the choir in the Church.  These cushion kits will be completed by the WI and have also benefited from a legacy from Judy Chancellor.

A Wulfstan banquet, to celebrate the installation of the Wulfstan windows in the Church 10 years ago, was hosted by Mark and Fiona Steeds on 23rd October at the Beaufort Arms.  It was a great success and a good time was had by all.  Mark gave a very informative talk on the life and deeds of St. Wulfstan the Hawkesbury Saint.  As a result, Mark and Fiona were able to give The Friends of St Mary’s a £100 donation – thank you, Mark and Fiona.

We held our Nine Lessons and Carols service for the first time in two years on the 19th December 2021 with a larger than expected congregation.  Once more a very satisfying service led very ably by Reverend Tunnicliffe.  It was wonderful to be back in the church again.   Following the service, the traditional mulled wine and mince pies were not served at Church Farm House as a precaution against the Covid resurgence but hopefully they will be back again this year.

It was a sad day when the Methodist Chapel closed down at Easter but a really good attendance for the last service.  St Mary’s Church received a large number of chairs, a lectern and a cross mural from the Methodist Hall.

The competition to grow the tallest sunflower was started in May 2022, with seeds sold for the Friends.  Seeds were available at the school and the Community Stores.

On 12th May the new burner was fitted to the church central heating boiler.  The boiler was paid for by John Appleby through a donation to the Friends.  The new burner unit is more efficient than the old one and so will save on the Church fuel costs.  Thank you, John.

The Friends of St Mary’s Bristol Male Voice Choir and the St Mary’s Church Choir Concert, on Saturday 14th May, was a resounding success with many people expressing their enjoyment.  This was only the second fundraising event the Friends of St. Mary’s had been able to organise in two years and it was a welcome change.

It is not often that an audience gets two world class choirs for the price of one and organ solos during the intermission and at the end by our own renowned organist – Ben Humphries.

There was an eclectic mix of hymns and songs from both choirs. The St Mary’s Church Choir with Ben Humphries the director started off the concert with a wonderful rendition of ‘The Lord is my Shepherd’ by Howard Goodall.  The concert raised over £600 for the Friends.

It is the end of another era in the retirement of Linda Fairney as a Churchwarden at St Mary’s Church.  The Friends of St Mary’s welcomes Lisa Overton the new Churchwarden.  Lisa is also our secretary and has the Church at her heart.

The Church was open over the Jubilee weekend and a team of Friends led by Debbie Young served a light breakfast on Sunday 5th June after the 9.30am Choral Eucharist for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. The Hawkesbury bells rang a 1/4 peal at the same time.  The thanksgiving service was very well attended on 5th June and the breakfast afterwards was also a success. 

The new LED energy-saving light bulbs have been installed in the church and they seem to be very good replacements.  The Friends contributed £1,000 towards the cost of the lighting and their installation.  The new bulbs use less than 10% of the energy of the previous bulbs for the same amount of light giving considerable savings in energy costs.

The Open Tower event was held on 23rd and 24th July and was very well attended.  It contributed well to the Friends’ coffers.  Many thanks to all the Friends and Bell ringers who made the two days such a success.   

The Friends have commissioned a new (like-for-like) oak gate for the west entrance to the churchyard.  It is currently being made and hopefully it will be installed before the old one gives up entirely.

The Friends have also commissioned a new church noticeboard for the west entrance to the church as the door of the old one threatens to fall off at any moment.

John Appleby has commissioned and paid for a set of automatic clappers which will ring the Hawkesbury Bells automatically.  They will enable the bells to be rung when there are no bell ringers available.

We are grateful to many people for their donations to the Friends this year – in particular:

  • John Appleby who is always supportive of the Friends
  • Bell ringers who gave their wedding expenses to the Friends
  • Pauline Dixon who gave £80 from her Cotswold Challenge walk to the Friends
  • Debbie Young for setting up the second-hand book table at the back of the Church

All the people Friends and potential Friends who helped out at our fundraising events during the past year..

Future fundraising events:

  • The Friends’ Pimms tent at the Hawkesbury Show on 27th August
  • We will be entering a Scarecrow in the Scarecrow Trail in October
  • Don’t forget the service of nine lessons and carols, Sunday 18th December

And finally – the FoSM AGM is set for 25th June 2023.

Colin Dixon

(Colin Dixon is pictured on the right in the photo at the top of this article, receiving from James Joynson a model of a bell hung for full-circle ringing.)